Products |
We have lists of products to fullfill each and every type of
user's requirement. As Our client's belong from different area's of bussiness
like FMCG,Hospitality,Educational,Traveling Industries etc.. So we have
different products to fulfill their requirements according to their needs
products . |
NanoPIH |
This Application is designed especially considering Pepsico India Holdings Pvt.
Ltd. Stockiest with almost all but more intensive and advance features of
WinNano (Above Project). Using this Application stockiest can apply any kind of
Bogo-Visa once and make transaction including it without making entries every
time they do any transaction. This Application also contains Options for Custom
and Clearing Amount for other countries (e.g Nepal).
WinNano |
Application is a General Inventory Package which works with
almost all type of Business. Contains a Very strong hold in all sectional module
of business with the very special functionality of E-Filling, Form-24A, Form-24B

NanoDOS |
Application based on DOS. This Application is for small
bussiness needs and working on high speed data entry module. It contains
Vat return features too. As it runs on DOS mode so easy to handle and need
minimumal hardware and software requirements to run.

| This Application is designed to upload flawless data on database on monthly
basis using Flat-Files by stockiest. Application churns and splits them out
properly with a very good speed and Show Reports instantly to the companies
Officials & Executives to know their Area in more better way related to their
Stockist (Sale, Purchase, Damage, Claim Control etc.). |